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Ministries + Fellowship

His Kids Children's Ministry

The children's ministry at Solomon's Porch range from nursery age, toddlers, and K to 5th grade. With this in mind, we use a variety of tools in a safe environment to teach our kids about the love of the Father through his Son, Jesus. As always, Jesus is our example for all that we do.

“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40)

This is our desire for every child that joins us. We want them to grow strong in their faith, to be wise beyond their years, and to enjoy the grace of God in Christ. As they grow spiritually, they too will experience the joy of fulfilling the vision here at the Porch. Loving our Lord… Loving our neighbor…and Leading others to Christ!


Our Sunday School classes offer Nursery, Toddlers, and K to 5th grade a time filled with worship, Bible lessons, crafts, games, and snacks. Come and join the fun! 

Women's Ministry

The Women of The Porch know there is only One Way. We are dedicated to teach, display, and uphold the truth that without Jesus, we are without hope. Join us as we discover how we can be women that live according to the Word. We come together regularly creating, offering, and building all things to the glory of God. Fun is always an objective, truth is always the focus and relationship is always the hope.

Girls Day Out Events - every month throughout the year, we meet for fun, fellowship, activities, enrichment, and renewal. Girls Day Out is a great way to get to know each other in meaningful ways, so that we can love and build friendships. We pray together, serve together, and have fun together.

The Forge
Men's Ministry

The first Tuesday night of each month, the men of the Porch gather together for Bible study. Each session begins with a devotion by Pastor Jon, followed by discussion questions. We are making our way through the Scriptures, looking at the men of the Bible to see what in their lives we can admire, avoid, and apply. 1 Corinthians 14:20 says. “Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.” 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” With this in mind, we desire to know what God expects in the life of His men and seek to become that kind of man through the study of His word, the work of His Spirit and the accountability that comes from other, trusted men in His kingdom. It is our earnest prayer that every man at the Porch becomes the man God desires him to be and successfully fulfills God call on his life.  


The Most Excellent Way

Addiction Recovery Ministry

This ministry is a Christian alternative to chemical dependency, driven by our desire to become God-dependent. Our principles of recovery are based entirely upon God’s Word. We accept one another just as we are…committed Christian or backslider, sober or stoned, clean or dirty, reverent or obnoxious. Anyone desiring freedom from addiction and compulsive behavior is welcomed into The Most Excellent Way by the grace of God.


“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

As we remain committed to making ourselves and the support meetings available at The Porch, we are privileged to see Him bring the hurting people and to witness the healing power of the Holy Spirit. God receives all the glory for our recovery!


Meeting every Thursday night – 7pm.


Crafting Ministry

Meeting every other week, the crafters of Solomon's Porch meet to work on any project that they would like! Sometimes, lessons in sewing or a specific craft is taught. Often, items are made for various international ministries


40+ Potluck and Fellowship

Coed Adult Ministry

Our ministry for adults ages 40+ provides a great opportunity to fellowship at various events, serve the community, and use life lessons to delve deeper into the word.

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7201 North 9th Avenue

Box 8

Pensacola, Florida

(850) 637-1681


Sunday at 10 AM

Wednesday at 6:30 PM


Thursday at 7 PM

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